Cindy Shriver – President


Cindy grew up as a missionary kid (MK) in Umtali Rhodesia Africa, so her passion for missions began early in life.  She began leading mission’s teams in 1993 and has gone on at least one a year since then.  She also began writing and continually develops her own teambuilding and mission team training program.  One of her desires is to train and disciple teams in a relational setting. In 2014 she was one of the founders of 1-2-4 Project which has a desire to train others to do missions well and support national missionaries.
When Cindy is not preparing teams she spends her time training dogs.  She and her husband Steve have two dogs, Isaac and Yardley and a cat named Tucker that acts like a dog!

Steve Shriver – Member


Steve participated in his first short term missions trip in Feb 1992; God used the experience to alter his priorities and alter his life in many subtle ways.  The most obvious was a budding relationship with Cindy that has led to 25+ years of marriage. The more subtle change was a heart shift to sharing the gospel and love of Christ thru his/their time, talents, and treasures.  Steve’s role in the Board is generally “chief cook and lead bottle-washer.” (haha!)  More specifically, Steve uses his photography, technology, and marketing skills to further the ministry to the local church and the global mission of Christ.

Megan Rowe – Secretary


In high school and college, Megan went on many mission trips that included construction projects, Vacation Bible School, and community evangelism. She loves serving others, both locally and internationally, so when presented with the opportunity to go to Mexico after college she got her passport and signed up!  Megan quickly saw that her passion to help others grow into their full potential had a new outlet in both serving on mission teams as well as leading teams.  She joined with some fellow teammates to help launch 1-2-4 Project with the vision of helping other teams serve and grow in the most meaningful ways possible.

Megan has a BSBA from Appalachian State University and loves spending time in nature and trying to outsmart the animals who eat away at her garden. 

Laura White – Treasurer


On Laura’s first missions trip in 2013 to Puebla Mexico, she had the privilege of taking on the persona of Bubbles the Clown, entertaining and loving children in Mexico.  Have you ever seen the eyes of a child that knows they are loved by someone who is just spending time with them?  On that trip, by God’s grace, that happened over and over again.  The incredible part, not a word was spoken, you see, Laura doesn’t know a lick of Spanish.  Shortly after that trip, 1-2-4 Project was formed by members of that team and she knew she had to be part of it.  Laura is the newest member of the 1-2-4 Project Board and helps with the organization’s financials.  
She has a BS in Computer Science from Old Dominion University and in her spare time she enjoys a number of hobbies and craft

Doug White – Vice President


Doug got involved with the 2013 mission team, which went to Puebla Mexico, and has been involved ever since.  Doug’s business background gives us a solid perspective on best practices and how to practically implement those within the agency and while planning projects.  Doug enjoys spending time with his wife on a boat and with his new puppy.

Ruth Mullard – Member


Ruth went on her first mission trip in 2010 to Chihuahua Mexico.  God used this trip to change her life and that is one of the reasons she joined the board of 1-2-4 Project.  Seeing the joy of someone who hears about Christ for the first time was a real motivation to keep her involved in missions.  Ruth has not only been a member but has led teams as well.  When not doing mission work, Ruth spends her time running a cleaning business and enjoys quilting.

Betty Feliciano – Member


Betty has been involved in missions, nationally and internationally, for over 35 years and during that time has served the Lord on a number of missions boards.  After working with the poor and the homeless in New York City for a number of years, she was asked to accompany a team to Siberia.  While there, she assisted the missionaries in an eyeglass ministry.  Upon her return, Betty went to Houston for training and then developed a program to train teams in the eyeglass ministry.  Since then, she has taken teams to Africa and to Mexico  These teams have given thousands of eyeglasses to the needy and have blessed the lives of men, women and children.  In 2014, Betty helped found the 1-2-4 Project where she continues to train teams.